Process Flowchart for Title IX Policy

Definition of acronyms
- TIX = Title IX
- TIXC = Title IX Coordinator
- IP = Impacted Party
- RP = Responding Party
- Parties = IP/RP
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearin
Information Received and Outreach
- TIX office receives information
- TIX office contacts IP to share information on resources, reporting options, and process
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearin
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing
Formal Complaint Signed
- IP provides full statement and signs formal and process complaint and/or TIXC signs formal complaint requesting resolution through a formal investigation
- Behavior reported meets the TIX definition of sexual harassment
- Appropriate measures to minimize contact between parties may be provided by the University
- RP is placed on notice and given information on process and resources
- Parties may have support person and/or advocate throughout process
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing
Active Investigation
Investigator meets with IP, RP, and witnesses separately and collects evidence through interviews and review of documentation and/or materials
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing
Evidence Review and Report Drafting
- Investigation concludes and investigator drafts investigative report of all relevant information and is reviewed by Title IX Coordinator
- Investigative report and all evidence available for 10-day review and comment by IP/RP (and advisors) before becoming final
Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing
Live Hearing
Prior to Hearing
- IP/RP and advisors are given all information that will be used at live hearing at least 10 days prior to hearing
- IP/RP identify hearing advisor or University appoints one for live hearing
During Hearing
- Hearing officer oversees live hearing where parties can ask questions of each other and witnesses through their advisors
- After hearing, determination of responsibility made based upon relevant information present at hearing
- Sanctions assigned if RP found responsible and remedies are issued to IP by TIXC
- Outcome shared with both parties